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Organisational Transformation

Would you like guidance and support in transforming your organisation to be more responsive and more resilient? We know how!!

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Your organisation's journey to Agility

Transforming your organisation to become more responsive and more resilient is not trivial. Every organisation is unique and requires its own custom approach. Agile Mountain has the knowledge, experience and techniques to ensure a smooth and successful Agile Transformation.

You probably already know what an Agile Organisation is and why it is crucial in today's business world. But working out how to transform your organisation is a different problem. Agile Mountain has many years of experience transforming organisations, from large enterprises such as banks and telecommunication companies to small family-run businesses and everything in between. Using our knowledge, expertise and techniques, your organisation can begin its transformation journey, or if you have already started with agility, we can help you continue your transformation.​

Transition Approach

​An Agile organisation operates differently from a more conventional company...


Typically organisations are built around a rigid hierarchical structure, with silos representing various business functions. To...

Agile organisations on the other hand represent a network of teams operating in fast learning and decision-making cycles.


In traditional companies information climbs up the hierarchy where decisions are made and those decisions flow back down the organisation. To...

Conversely agile organisations will actively place the decision making capability with the people closest to the information, thereby allowing for more rapid adaptability.

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